5 challenges ALL Healthcare leaders face

Fellow Healthcare Leader:

When you decided to embark on a career in healthcare, I'm betting you had a few things in mind:

  • Desire to help others
  • Supporting underserved communities
  • Improving healthcare operations

If this is you, then you're exactly the type of leader we need more of.

But here's the problem.... There are just as many challenges you didn't plan on....that too often threaten your ability to accomplish the tasks at hand.

  1. Hierarchy and Tradition- Deeply rooted norms that conflict with "getting things done".
  2. Workforce Shortages - Clinical and otherwise, finding staff is a constant struggle.
  3. Constant Budget-Wrangling - More with less....always and forever...
  4. Resistance to Technology - Constant laggards in adopting better tools. Status-quo is the norm.
  5. Burnout - Not reserved for clinicians, but felt among nearly everyone in our industry.

If you've encountered any of these hurdles, know that you're not alone.

As a healthcare executive for nearly 20 years, I've navigated these very same obstacles.

The encouraging news is that there are strategies and approaches to address each of these challenges effectively. Strategies to get you on the right track, and to meet your potential.

  • This is why I started Talenta
  • This is why I've created this newsletter
  • This is why I'm working to build a better, human-centered, healthcare industry

Each month I’ll be sending you some of my best resources for overcoming these challenges and more.

For now, here are 2 impactful articles on talent strategies, curated for inquiring minds:

Tension Is Rising Around Remote Work (hbr.org)

How Can AI Transform Human Potential and Redefine Meaningful Work? | myHRfuture

Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're here.

-Alden, Founder @ Talenta HR Group

VitalSigns Talent Insights

Founder @ Talenta HR Group. CHRO by trade, provocateur by nature. I help healthcare leaders get "unstuck" so they can achieve their potential, and our healthcare institutions can fulfill their promise.

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