
VitalSigns Talent Insights

Founder @ Talenta HR Group. CHRO by trade, provocateur by nature. I help healthcare leaders get "unstuck" so they can achieve their potential, and our healthcare institutions can fulfill their promise.

What We're Digging Into: Recruiting, by nature, is inherently a subjective game. Lots of opinions, lots of guesswork, and few tools to really “test-drive” a candidate’s ability. So, how can we begin to improve our odds? Why It Matters: While its true nobody scores 100% with recruiting execs, by introducing data, you get much closer… When the stakes are tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, every percentage point in the right direction matters. Today, we pull back the curtain and share a...

the word alignmentment spelled with scrabble letters

What We're Digging Into: Operating in a silo, a vacuum…. or really any other isolated structure is no way to run your talent function. Sure, there’s tons of work to do, but is it the right work? Why It Matters: Many HR teams, along with unwitting executive teams still view HR as “nice to have”. This is largely because the programs and projects HR execs choose don’t really apply to where the CEO and CFO are focused—Business outcomes! The reality of business is clear: No two organizations are...

white and brown city buildings during daytime

What We're Digging Into: Unpredictable markets, high cost of capital, and changing strategies will mark 2024 and beyond for Private Equity. The path forward will require a deeper focus on sustainable talent practices. Why It Matters: For many PE firms, investment cycles of 3-5 years meant little time was spent cultivating great leadership. That was the next investor’s problem. Times have changed…. PE groups are now scrambling to adjust to the new realities of longer hold times with a renewed...

What We're Digging Into: The heart of elite recruiting team remains the same—great relationships with the recruiter and hiring manager. Why it Matters: All the tech in the world can’t save you from unwilling partners and poor collaboration. Few things are as fundamental to recruiting success as a hiring manager who doesn’t just “work” with their recruiter but is willingly accountable for successful hiring. Average recruiters with a great hiring manager relationship will outperform a stellar...

What We're Digging Into: I’ve never seen a successful organization that didn’t have a stellar HR team. For consistently great HR outcomes, there are 5 types of HR pro that will get you there faster. Why it Matters: HR success looks and feels different than it used to. The human-centered approach has evolved, meaning your HR team better keep up. The state of HR going into 2024 feels a bit different than years past. We’re just a couple of years out from Covid’s peak and the paradigm shift in...

Connected Workforce

What We're Digging Into: Managing a Disconnected Workforce. The past five years have seen more changes in the workforce than the previous 20 combined. Employees are more disconnected than ever, and many healthcare organizations have yet to catch up. ---->Simple equation. Here’s what we know: The healthcare landscape already requires great resilience to be successful, but if your teams use all their energy just trying to navigate your fractured work environment, you’ll never get their best....

Top Talent as a term seems vague. What does it actually mean anyway? For my part, here’s 4 ways I define leadership Top Talent: Innovators: Top talent are the visionaries who revolutionize the status quo. Laser-Focused Executors: They turn strategies into tangible, game-changing results. Impact Multipliers: Their contributions resonate far beyond their immediate roles. Culture Champions: They embody the values and spirit that define the organization. Top Talent means different things to...

Fellow Healthcare Leader: When you decided to embark on a career in healthcare, I'm betting you had a few things in mind: Desire to help others Supporting underserved communities Improving healthcare operations If this is you, then you're exactly the type of leader we need more of. But here's the problem.... There are just as many challenges you didn't plan on....that too often threaten your ability to accomplish the tasks at hand. Hierarchy and Tradition- Deeply rooted norms that conflict...